29 lug 2009

ENG - Minnie B

The vast majority of cruising boats in Galicia are foreign, non-Spanish.
The NW corner of Spain is a sort of transit area: a place where people spend a few days or weeks on route to somewhere else. The most common question being first asked among cruisers is: Going north or going south ?
The largest number by far are British boats, then there are French ones, followed by Dutch, German, the odd Australian or New Zealand boat.
A few Irish, too. We even saw one from Northern Ireland, Belfast -which to us ignorant southerners basically recalls gloomy atmospheres of Ken Loach movies, the IRA, Sunday Bloody Sunday, the Waterboys. And oh yes, also a lot of rain.
"Minnie B" is the name of the boat of Phil and Norma, among the nicest and warmest persons we met.
Or should I say, we kept on meeting: the first time we saw them was in Coruña, then Camariñas, then Portosin, the Rias, etc, basically we kept on randomly sharing the same ports or anchorages every few days.
Funnily enough, when we had not actually talked to each other yet, Phil wrote a message on the YBW forum asking for someone located in the Rias with a sewing machine which could make mosquito nets, I replied, and in Pobra do Caramiñal we eventually met and made them, the whole thing being followed by a very nice evening together. After that, whenever Bora saw a boat with a wind generator on the stern arch she asked: Is that Philip's boat ?

This is a shot of Minnie B under the Rande bridge.

We last met in Viana, where Norma prepared an excellent pasta for dinner (yes, Brits know how to cook) while Bora was jumping up and down everywhere on Minnie B; now they start going South a little more rapidly as they are leaving from Southern Portugal to Madeira at the beginning of September, then continue South towards the Canaries, Cape Verde, Brazil and eventually the Caribbean, their trip can be followed at

28 lug 2009


Dopo due mesi in Galizia, Daphne e la piccina sono partite due giorni fa per tornare a casa, io e la Borina oggi abbiamo attraversato la frontiera nord fra Spagna e Portogallo, il rio Minho salutato con il cambio delle bandiere di cortesia, e arrivati un paio di ore fa a Viana de Castelo, il porto più a nord della costa portoghese, con tutte le gioie dell'aliseo portoghese, 5/6 Bft ben stabile è un bell'andare in mare e un gran divertimento per i passanti quando si fa la manovra d'ormeggio da soli.

Scuse a tutti per non aver aggiornato il diario per tutto questo tempo, grazie per chi è tornato e tornato senza trovare mai nulla di nuovo per tutti questi giorni, riassumendo: la vita in famiglia in barca con i bimbi piccoli è dura (per il capitano) e tanto bella (per tutti compreso il capitano, ma più importante per la moglie), in sostanza non divorziamo e l'anno prossimo si continua verso sud tutti assieme; la Galizia la metterei fra le prime cinque destinazioni di crociera al mondo, probabilmente neanche quinta.

Ah, la barca è una barca della maronna, ma questo un po' già lo sapevo.

Un po' alla volta mettero' un po' di foto, videini e impressioni personali.