E' uscito l'anno scorso, un sacco di lavoro ma anche una grande soddisfazione, sia prepararlo che lavorare con Imray e soprattutto M.Wilson.
Alcune recensioni
dal Royal Navy Sailing Association Journal
As one who is not unfamiliar with Mediterranean weather, I found the book fascinating, providing lucid explanations, if a little technical, for the great variety of Mediterranean weather features. The Author is an experienced Mediterranean yachtsman, yacht architect and journalist. After many years in the area, he has now moved north and keeps his boat in Brittany. After reading his descriptions of the pressure and wind phenomena of the Mediterranean, the reader will understand why! This book is essential reading for anyone contemplating a season or two in the Mediterranean. JGPP
per la Cruising Association
Mediterranean Weather Handbook for Sailors
Submitted by Ian Galletti on Wed, 10/12/2008 - 13:03.
Author: Ritossa, Roberto
Review Date: 02/12/2008
Submitted by Ian Galletti on Wed, 10/12/2008 - 13:03.
Author: Ritossa, Roberto
Review Date: 02/12/2008
[...] Be that as it may, Roberto Ritossa has produced an excellent weather text book for those who choose to sail in the Mediterranean. Although it claims to be ‘written for sailors, not meteorologists’ there is more than enough essential theory to satisfy the keenest of amateur meteorologists. I would certainly buy a copy if I were to ever plan to return to the Mediterranean, as a sailor. However, I was disappointed to find that the average wind speed charts omitted to mention the units used – Knots, mph or metres per second? I presume that the unit used must be knots as that is the unit he uses in the text. And, of course, winds are, and have always been, very important in the Mediterranean, hence the fact that they have been given more names than anywhere else on Earth and Roberto not only names 28 of them but also mentions many of the other local names for them. Roberto clearly does not have English as his first language and there is no translator’s name so the slightly idiosyncratic language used must be his own and he must therefore be congratulated for the clarity and completeness of the text. I am unable to think of anything practical that he has not covered, including a useful piece on GRIB files. - Ian Galletti
da Multihull Magazine

da Baird online (si occupano prevalentemente di mondo marittimo professionale)
Yet another good book produced for yachtsmen which is just as useful for commercial mariners.
The publisher Imray Laurie Norie and Wilson is renowned for its “Pilots” that so well describe a large slice of the 70% of the world that is covered by water. This comprehensive guide supplements the Mediterranean pilots very well.
Without becoming overly technical, this book provides a substantial weather forecasting background for anyone navigating the Mediterranean or nearby waters.
Simple, clear and very easy to use.
Fiuuuuu, sembra che tante bischerate non ne abbia scritte.
E' stato (oddio, l'ho) tradotto in italiano per l'Editore Il Frangente, editore italiano di Imray:
(2011 siamo alla seconda edizione)
Stiamo parlando anche per un'edizione francese, si vedrà.
L'editore francese ha avuto qualche problema finanziario (Loisirs Nautiques, la rivista ha smesos di comparire parecchi mesi fa).
Invece mi hanno annunciato che uscirà l'edizione tedesca!
Bella sorpresa, e anche soddisfazione.
2 commenti:
I miei complimenti piu' sinceri per il bel libro che molto si distacca dai suoi omologhi sul mercato italiano. Non posso fare altro che complimentarmi anche per la sezione sintetica basata sugli stessi standard utilizzati nelle classiche pilot chart americane che mi hanno accompagnato in tante navigazioni.
Buon vento,
Gianluigi (Ben)
Accidenti grazie Gianluigi, fa sempre molto piacere sapere che possa risultare interessante!
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